Pieces Together

1 min readMar 1, 2021

I think that everyone’s life can be described as a mosaic.

Tiny pieces, medium pieces, large pieces that all mix together to create one bigger, single, piece.

If our life are pieces then how do we split the moments up? Could it be that the more important moments in life are bigger. Or could it be that the moments that took less time are smaller. I see that everyone’s life is complex. Although some struggle more than others and see more tragic events, everyone’s life will turn out differently.

When reading about Nathaniel Mary Quinn, an artist whose art reflects personal life and trauma by putting together different pieces of body parts, I am reminded about how pieces come together to build something. Each part that has its only story and life contributes to the whole. Much like lives that we live.

Struggle, success, failure and passion are all you but are not enough alone to define you. They contribute their own meanings to the bigger picture of your life. Exactly like a mosaic. Big or small, very important to less important. The pieces and pieces create one art piece.

